Message from Msgr Ted

Last fall, I distributed an updated Vision Statement for the parish, and we began a strategic pastoral planning effort for 2022-2026. Since that time, six committees have been meeting regularly to develop priorities and what we describe as our S.M.A.R.T.[1] Action Steps for the goal areas of Worship, Evangelization, Catholic Education, Service, Stewardship, and Youth Ministry/Sports.

I am pleased to announce that our parish’s new Strategic Pastoral Plan (2022-2026) has now been published and is ready for your review. 

Please take some time to become familiar with the Priorities and Action Steps outlined in our new plan. I invite you to join me in offering this work to the intercession of Mary, the Immaculate Conception. It is through God’s guiding hand and your support that we will achieve the greatest fruits in our parish ministry. Pray about how God may be calling you to implement some of the Action Steps in our plan.

Thank you once again for your ongoing prayers and support as together we carry our faith forward!

Strategic Pastoral Plan 2022-2026




Six Major Goal Areas to Organize Our Parish Life and Ministry:

Committee Heads

Jeremy Aranda (Worship)

Mary Winkeler (Evangelization)

Jan Walkonis (Education)

Bob Sawicki (Service)

Dan Luigs (Stewardship)

Alecia Kwapiszeski (Youth/Sports)
